Thursday 20 October 2011

Using a Cage to Learn About Perimeter

Recently, our students built the guinea pig cages and had a perimeter lesson along with it.  The cages turned out great and so did the pics!

Friday 7 October 2011

Guinea Pigs Being Happy

So here is a video of our two guinea pigs in their brand new cage that we built them.  The girls were responsible for building the girl cage, and the boys were responsible for building the boy cage.  It was very interesting how the groups built their cage.  There was definitely a different way of thinking between the boys and the girls!  We used the opportunity to teach about perimeter.  Studies show that students do better when they can relate a concept to something personal.  It worked pretty well I think!

Right now our guinea pigs are in the same cage as Chloe is expecting (we're pretty sure-3 weeks today), but they will soon be separated.

This video is of when they are first put in their new cage.  The behavior they are exhibiting is called popcorning.   The guinea pigs pop like hot corn kernals, a sign that they are happy.


Monday 3 October 2011

September Birthdays

So in September we had six birthdays!  Victoria, Torrance, Chaske, Hailey, Tanisha, and Emily all celebrated their birthdays.  I wish I could show you all the pictures of the students, but not all in have gotten their permission forms in the meantime, here's a couple pictures of the cake and one very blurry picture of the group (in which you really can't tell who is who)!


First of all, I apologize that it's been awhile.  Things have been crazy busy, and we can't as of yet actually log into our blog account at school.  That is soon to be rectified, but it has definitely made things a little slower!  Here are some pictures to show you of an activity that we did the first day of school.  Students had to decorate their t-shirts any way they wished, but did have to put on the left sleeve what they most were looking forward to in the school year and on the right sleeve, the best thing that they did all summer.  Here are their pictures: