Saturday 26 November 2011

Sorry It's Been So Long...

We've had major glips with computers at our school and things have been crazy!!!

As you might know, students now have agendas.  These are red duotangs that the kids take home every night.  Not only do these keep you informed what homework your child has, but what your child has learned that day.  Other notes may be included regarding school and community events and sometimes, a note from myself may be included.  I add my initials to say that I've check and looked over what your child has written.  Once you've read it, you sign your initials and have your child return it the next day.  Should a student forget it, it's 5 minutes of recess for each day that it's left at home.  Students are expected to write it on scrap paper if they have forgottten their actual agendas.

Homework is given when students have not finished their work in class.  The goal is for the student to get a little bit of work caught up without overwhelming them.  It shouldn't take any more than 15 to 20 minutes for students to do...

I have noticed that the format that I had the kids writing on has been a bit confusing, so I'll be redesigning a new format that should be easier for you all to understand!  Thanks for all of your support so far regarding these agendas!