Tuesday 20 September 2011

Fall Feast and Open House this Thursday

Our Fall Feast and Open House are this Thursday!  We ask that all girls wear skirts for the feast.  You will be receiving a letter home on Wednesday from myself about the Open House.  It's below for you to read!

Dear Parents,

An open house is being held on Thursday, September 22 until 5:30.  I regret to inform you that I will not be there as I am in a conference for both Thursday and Friday about Universal Design, a conference designed to introduce new teaching methods to reach ALL learners.  I am available to meet with parents and guardians anytime before and after school.  Please refer to the welcome newsletter sent home and the for additional classroom information.

Thank you!

Miss Julie Phillips

Sunday 11 September 2011

Strategies to Help Your Child Read Fiction

So here is a wonderful snippet I found that could be quite useful for parents really wanting to encourage their child in reading fiction (chapter books, short stories, and primary books).  Enjoy!

It's a Mystery!

Grade Five is involved in a mystery.  Not only are we studying mysteries right now, but it looks like someone tried to break into our room to get our guinea pigs  ; )   We get a clue every day from the police as we narrow down our suspects.   The first clue was that the person worked in the school so we made a complete list of suspects.  The 2nd clue was the culprit did not drive a truck.

While studying mysteries, we are going to be reading them in our reading groups, looking at writing, characterization, etc.  So far, the kids are enjoying it, so it's good!

In Math, we are just starting looking at numbers up to 1 000 000.  We are doing a bit of review of smaller numbers to review, and working up to 1 000 000.  Ways that you can help your child at home involved in this process including getting your child to read numbers aloud and asking about place value.

This month, we are studying science's weather.  We have literally just started the unit and will be starting to look at how humans and animals are affected by the weather.

The guinea pigs are a complete story unto themselves, so we will be posting about them later on!

Until later....

Thursday 8 September 2011

Birthday Cake Program

Something new this year in our class in a birthday cake program.  Each month we'll be celebrating our students birthdays on the last school day of the month.

Due to school not being in session the summer months, we celebrated the summer birthdays on the first day of school.  Kavinisha's was in July, and Monica's was in August.  We sang "happy birthday" and then we all ate cake-a pool cake to be exact!

Here's a picture of Monica with the cake...

Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Brand New School Year!

Summer is over and I honestly don't mind.  I love my students and I'm happy that we're all back together (same group) to have a great year.  There are a lot of changes this year in terms of what to expect, so be prepared for a lot more postings this year!

Information for Parents and Families:

  • Packages were sent out with each student today filled with book orders, blog permission slips, the classroom newsletter, and dental information.  Blog permission slips and dental forms need to be returned.
  • Our first fundraiser will be on the 16th of September.  We will be selling Tim Hortons donuts again for $1.50 each.
  • We will be planning an upcoming pizza lunch fundraiser to raise funds for an entire school conference that 5B will be hosting.
  • We are now the proud owners of two male guinea pigs, only 8 weeks old!  Their names will be picked on Friday by students.
  • Students are now earning "brownie points" by showing responsibility, good behavior, and caring attitudes.  Part of the responsibility is completing their jobs in the classroom.  By completing their jobs for an entire week, each student will earn one brownie point.  If students miss a day of school due to unknown reasons, they will not receive their brownie point.  If they have missed school due to illness, family emergency, or doctors appointment, please let me know as they will still receive their brownie point.  Brownie points are used together with their group to get rewards.
  • A reminder - Grade 5 is no longer allowed on the "little side" of the playground.
  • Hats, toques, and hoodies are not to be worn in school.  Hats are allowed on Fridays, if students pay $1.
  • Locks may be rented from the office for $1.  Students MAY NOT bring their locks from home.
Here are a few pictures just to let you get an idea of things so far in our classroom!

The guinea pig on the right is ours (brown, black, and white).

This guy with the crazy hair is also ours

Part of our job center-the other part is velcroed on the board.

Our classroom library

The before board...precolored!