Sunday 11 September 2011

It's a Mystery!

Grade Five is involved in a mystery.  Not only are we studying mysteries right now, but it looks like someone tried to break into our room to get our guinea pigs  ; )   We get a clue every day from the police as we narrow down our suspects.   The first clue was that the person worked in the school so we made a complete list of suspects.  The 2nd clue was the culprit did not drive a truck.

While studying mysteries, we are going to be reading them in our reading groups, looking at writing, characterization, etc.  So far, the kids are enjoying it, so it's good!

In Math, we are just starting looking at numbers up to 1 000 000.  We are doing a bit of review of smaller numbers to review, and working up to 1 000 000.  Ways that you can help your child at home involved in this process including getting your child to read numbers aloud and asking about place value.

This month, we are studying science's weather.  We have literally just started the unit and will be starting to look at how humans and animals are affected by the weather.

The guinea pigs are a complete story unto themselves, so we will be posting about them later on!

Until later....